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2C2P X Amazon
Web Services
2C2P works shoulder to shoulder with cloud computing services provider Amazon Web Services (AWS) to ensure that the highest security standards are delivered in the payments ecosystem.

Read on to find out how our synergy works to benefit us both.
About Our
In the world of fintech, security is of paramount importance. We handle sensitive data like personal user information and payment details, and it is thus crucial that we protect these from falling into the wrong hands.

Together with AWS, we ensure that we consistently achieve and maintain the most robust security standards to give our customers peace of mind.

2C2P’s Payment Acceptance, Payout as well as EMV 3DSecure solutions are running on AWS architecture centralised in an Amazon VPC in the Amazon Asia-Pacific (Singapore) region.

Our services leverage a wide variety of AWS solutions including AWS Shield Advanced, Application Load Balancer, Amazon Elasticsearch Service, Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon S3, AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to handle diverse functions from protecting the environment from cyber threats to data encryption.

In addition, we tap on some of AWS’ specialised solutions such as AWS CloudHSM where appropriate to help process transactions securely with high availability and scalability.
PCI3DS certification for AWS
2C2P was the first client of AWS to request Payment Card Industry 3D Secure (PCI3DS) certification for AWS data centres in Singapore and Japan in 2019. This verification was later distributed to all AWS Data centres globally.
Physical audits for 2C2P
AWS routinely facilitates physical audits on their premises as part of our enterprise agreement. These physical audits are a great boon as they are crucial for the application of licenses with local regulators.
Security standards review
To keep up to date with the latest security developments, 2C2P an AWS regularly review processes and occasionally conduct specialised security sessions to work out viable solutions to problems faced. We pay close attention to threats like DDoS attacks, devising detection, mitigation, and management strategies to prevent their occurrence.
Reliable Infrastructure That
Meets Global Enterprise Needs
Security standards form just one part of our client-servicing equation. The products we deliver are also pivotal in ensuring that our customers can process payments seamlessly and effortlessly.
Downtime and scalability
With AWS cloud infrastructure, we were able to reduce our downtime by a significant extent. This solution placed us in a solid position to handle greater workloads, even on short notice.

For example, when Lazada, one of our biggest e-commerce clients, launched their 11.11 Singles Day promotion in 2019, we anticipated a massive influx of orders just after midnight - this was the time when promotional items would be released for sale.

To cope with the surge in orders, we needed to allocate considerable resources to the promotion - up to 15-20 times what we regularly processed daily. AWS stepped in to assist us in two ways: one, buffer our preparations for the incoming transactions, and two, warm up the payment environment before the promotion began.

AWS also deployed a team to work directly with us at our office. They even stayed well past midnight to support our effort to be on standby for Lazada - how’s that for a solid spot of support?
Downtime and scalability
Disaster recovery
No matter how reliable our payment services are, lapses are inevitable, and we need to prepare thoroughly to mitigate their impact. That’s why we work with AWS to reinforce our failover and disaster recovery strategy.

Our strategy involves frequent failover and recovery exercises where we develop our ability to adapt and respond quickly to downtimes.
Disaster recovery
Growth Through
Education Initiatives
Learning is a lifelong process, and both 2C2P and AWS believe in the value of ongoing education. We regularly host learning initiatives to hone each other’s skills or empower the younger generation with employable skills.
AWS hackathon challenges in ASEAN
AWS frequently hosts hackathons to challenge developers, technology enthusiasts, and advocates to come up with creative solutions to address pain points.

2C2P has participated in a few Southeast Asia-focused AWS hackathons, with our engineers participating as individuals or teams to craft solutions to the challenges posed by AWS. Through these hackathons, our engineers were able to hone their skills and even apply the knowledge that they don’t typically use in their day-to-day work.

In December 2020, our developer team participated in two of AWS’s competency events - Security Jam Thailand and Microservices GameDay - and placed second overall in Southeast Asia!
AWS hackathon challenges in ASEAN
Myanmar’s University of Information Technology (UIT)
In 2019, we organised a talent development and job readiness boot camp with Myanmar’s University of Information Technology (UIT). Under this month-long training session, we imparted technical skills like programming, software development, project management, and cloud computing to both graduating students and graduates.

For the cloud computing component of the programme, AWS flew to Myanmar to train the students on the fundamentals of cloud hosting and infrastructure free-of-charge.

We awarded certificates to all those who completed the boot camp and recruited some as full-time developers.
Myanmar’s University of Information Technology (UIT)
Onward &
AWS has been a fantastic partner, offering valuable opportunities for us to grow and develop alongside them.
Myo Zaw
Chief Technology Officer
"We’ve come so far with AWS. They were there for us when we needed help to boost our payment processing efficiency and reliability. And now we walk side by side on a journey of growth and self-actualisation to meet our customers’ needs. We trust AWS and look forward to furthering our partnership with them."