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Digital Goods

& Services

Digital Goods

& Services

We partner with market-leading, well-loved brands to give you solutions that increase customer lifetime value. Engage your customers with our well-stocked inventory and expand your reach.

Digital goods, bills & services include:

Mobile top-ups
Utility bill payment
Web entertainment
Gift cards
Game coupons


Minimise operating costs

Let us handle your payments processing and digital invoicing

Convenient & accessible

Our platform is available 24/7 on mobile, tablet and laptop devices

Generate new sales leads

Acquire new users through our extensive network


Our platform is compliant with the industry’s high security standards

Trusted distribution partner

“2C2P is a trusted distribution partner helping Lazada to gain a foothold in the mobile top-up bill payment category. We’ve used their Digital Goods & Services solution to reach more tan 200, 000 monthly online transactions, helping us reach our goal of increasing orders and engagement on our platform.”

Reach Our Vast Inventory

& Reach New Markets


Goods & services


Daily average transactions

Supply & Distribute

With Us

Extend your brand’s reach and revenue. We’ve done all the heavy lifting – all you need to do is tap on our powerful platform to get your digital offering out there.




Reach new markets and tap new revenue streams

Access regional distributors with deep local connections to reach customers you want

Effortlessly scale your products and services

Go wide and far with our well-established regional network – so you can rest easy knowing we’ve done the legwork

Drive consumer engagement

Reach your target consumers where they are, with exactly what they need.

Drive loyalty

Whether its complete telco coverage or extensice gaming inventory, our vouchers and prepaid topup solutions are scalable, vast and cost-effective.

Introduce new revenue streams by tapping into our huge inventory of over 350 brands ranging from telcos, data bundles, gaming credits, utility brands and more.

We take on inventory risk so you don’t have to

We hold all the inventory on our platform – you don’t need to worry about expiry date

We know what drive sales

We’ve purchased credits and topups at bulk discounts – with savings passed on to you, so you can have better margins

We know customers

We have over 350 brands – and we’re adding more everyday

Attract new users

Today’s marketplaces need a little bit of everything – competition is stiff. Offer what your customers are looking for

One integration

Remove the hassle of integrating to different suppliers